About designers - PackDesigner
Packaging design is a professional job But it doesn't has to be complicated
To create a new ecology of packaging design industry ——We'll do our utmost to make packaging design professional yet simple. Reduce the cost of packaging design for start-up brands, and provide more business incubation opportunities for freelance packaging designers all over the world?
Pack Designer™—— Online Design Gallery
Bridging brands and designers with intelligent artwork parsing engine,online editor,and blockchain technology
Parsing Engine Upload .ai / .pdf designer file and it'll be automatically parsed into editable version
Review Committee Professional reviewers will access your design within 48 hours
Online Gallery Design artworks that pass the review will be showed and sell in Online Gallery
OnlineEditor Users could edit the design artwork easily and export the design file by our online editor
Intellectual Property Protection Your design will be turn into a NFT based on blockchain technology that can be trade online
Design Rewards Once your design is sold, you'll get the sales income along with subsidy and rewards
Design artworks that can be purchased online
Amaze the brand owners with your design ideas
Online Gallery

Editable design for buyers simply reduces time and trail
cost for both sides

Retain the ideas of designers to the greatest extent

Communication between supply and demand becomes
direct and efficient

Upload Design
Digital artwork designs trade as NFTs
Follow the guidances below, our parsing engine will turn your designs into digital intellectual properties that can be trade online in a few steps.
Publish works
Work information
Upload design work
Set price
Basic information
Release title, definition, style and design conce
Upload design files
Layer setting
Review & assessment
Show us your idea and creativity
Follow the guidances below, our parsing engine will turn your designs into digital intellectual properties that can be trade online in a few steps.
Designer Login